
Debating Europe: A Multilingual Multi-Target Stance Classification Dataset of Online Debates
Debating Europe: A Multilingual Multi-Target Stance Classification Dataset of Online Debates

A new dataset of 2,600 online debate comments has been created to improve stance classification models. Fine-tuning and semi-supervised learning can boost accuracy by 3.4% over a baseline model.

Jun 1, 2022

WASSA 2022 Shared Task: Predicting Empathy, Emotion and Personality in Reaction to News Stories
WASSA 2022 Shared Task: Predicting Empathy, Emotion and Personality in Reaction to News Stories

Findings of the shared task on Empathy, Personality, and Emotion Detection from the WASSA workshop @ ACL.

May 1, 2022

How does a Pre-Trained Transformer Integrate Contextual Keywords? Application to Humanitarian Computing
How does a Pre-Trained Transformer Integrate Contextual Keywords? Application to Humanitarian Computing

It is possible to integrate textual metadata into transformers in order to help the model improve its performances. We show the model uses the semantics of the keyword metadata analyzing the attention interaction between the metadata and the text to classify. We applied this to a humanitarian classification task over tweets, using the disaster event type as context, and finally show this method is also useful to caracterize a new event like a hurricane in a data-driven way.

May 1, 2021

Improving Sentiment Analysis over non-English Tweets using Multilingual Transformers and Automatic Translation for Data-Augmentation
Improving Sentiment Analysis over non-English Tweets using Multilingual Transformers and Automatic Translation for Data-Augmentation

We propose a technique to leverage machine translation for multilingual sentiment analysis. Appart from English, which has better models and more ressources, it is useful to translate all the tweets from every language to all the other languages and train a multilingual model over this new augmented dataset.

Dec 1, 2020