Valentin Barriere 🦥


Valentin Barriere is an AI profesor in the CS department of the University of Chile, specialized in multimodal machine learning for social interactions studies, with a focus on natural language processing. His research spans on multilingual debates analysis, social biases detection, explainable AI, and also multimodal satellite data processing. Prior to his academic role, he worked for public institutions such as the Supreme Court (Cour de Cassation) and the European Commission’s Joint Research Center.

He is director of several projects with public Chilean institutions focused on the use of Machine Learning for social good, and involved as AI advisor of the CopernicusLAC program in Chile with the aim to develop general multi-modal and multi-resolution models self-supervised model for satellite data processing.

Download CV
  • Multimodal Machine Learning
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Fairness
  • Explainability
  • Remote Sensing
  • PhD in Computer Science

    Télécom Paris

  • Engineering in Aeronautics/Aerospatial Telecommunications


📚 My Research

I am interested in many things! I started on studying Multimodal Machine Learning for the understanding of social behaviours in humans interactions, hence I worked with different types of modalities i.e., audio, text, video, which means different data and model types.

I applied this knowledge in projects with different public institutions, with the aim to develop systems that will improve the life of others. That is why here in Chile I still continue to be involved on public projects with entities such as the Agriculture Ministry, the National Office of Parks and Rec, the European Commission, the NGO PyroNear.

Beside this, I also research in NLP where my interests lie in topics such as bias detection in language models, debates analysis from participatory democracy platforms, explicability in language models.

I am going back to the modeling of multimodal social interactions by studying humor detection in stand-up or multimodal argumentation mining in groups, so please reach out if you want to collaborate 😃

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